
Strong Password

Secure your passwords against hacking
  1. DON’T USE COMMON WORDS, PERIOD!  Hackers have dictionaries of these and only need to look up your hashed password against their dictionaries to find out your password.  They can do this in a matter of minutes.
  2. DON’T JUST APPEND A ’1′ OR ’123′ OR SOMETHING EQUALLY PREDICTABLE ONTO A COMMON WORD, THINKING IT MAKES IT UNCOMMON.  You’re not a genius, thousands of people before you have used the EXACT same password thinking they too were clever.  You are a hacker’s best source of entertainment.
  3. DON’T REUSE THE SAME PASSWORD ACROSS 2 OR MORE SITES/SERVICES.  If and when your password gets hacked the damage will spread far.  If I hack your Gmail account password I’m going to assume you used this password for your Facebook account, your Flickr account etc…
  4. NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EMAIL YOUR PASSWORDS!  Once emailed, they are no longer secure and potentially belong to everybody.
  5. USE A RANDOM PASSWORD GENERATOR!   Hackers thrive on patterns so stop giving them.  A random password has little to no patterns (depending on the generator).  Don’t just stare at your keyboard and make one up yourself, use an app like (shameless plug) KEYBOX to do it for you and help you remember them.

1 comment:

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