
How to use HOIC (with video) + download

Hight Orbit Ion Cannon, known as "HOIC" is a very powerful tool used to flood websites by launching a DDOS attack, just like LOIC, but HOIC is more powerful than LOIC because of the Booster Scripts. So, how to flood a website with HOIC? It's very easy...
  1. Download Hoic and Open it up.
  2. Download HOIC: Click Here
  3. Click on the "+" sign under "TARGETS", a pop up box should appear, now type in the website you want to flood in the box. Select Power to High, Select "GenericBoost.hoic" under the Turbo Booster section and click Add.
  4. Select Threads 2 or 3, remember threads is number of users HOIC should simulate in order to attack since it is Distributed DOS attack, the more you select the more time it takes.
  5. Now finally click on the Big Red Button "FIRE TEH LAZER" and wait, you can see the status of the attack from the program.


Anonymous said...

Wordt door chrome geblokkeerd dus een virus....

Unknown said...

De enige reden waarom het is geblokkeerd, is omdat het de mogelijkheid heeft om DDOS te gebruiken. HOIC is ook volledig open source, dus je zou in de code kunnen kijken om te zien of er iets ongewoons was